Best Foam Roller For Runners – Upgraded Self Massage In 2022

took at look into the current foam rollers for runners that is available and at the request of my readers, did a full analysis of the top options with pros and cons. In this post, I’ll give you the low-down on the best foam roller for runners based on technical analysis, cost, ease of use, and a variety of key factors.
Best Foam Roller For Runners – 2022 Top Rated Winner!
Double Up Roller
The best foam roller for runners clearly is the DoubleUp Roller. The versatility of this tool, ease of use, and ability to adjust pressure to get the exact right therapeutic response is unmatched. Rolling for runners will never be the same with this newest kid on the block.
While technically not a foam roller, I came across this gadget and had the chance to try it out recently. I loved it so much I bought it for my office.
The thing I love about it most is the ability to adjust the pressure from super light to extremely heavy with virtually no effort on my part. The force multiplier (the design of the tool) is engineered to make it super easy to apply and maintain a degree of pressure for the needed time to get a soft tissue release.
Those with a lot of sensitivity and/or low tolerance to foam rolling will absolutely love this tool. A++!
Choosing A Foam Roller For Legs
The list of types of foam rollers is ever growing, each with their own variations. Some have great value, while others have bizarre shapes and selling points without any real additional value. When selecting the best foam roller, you need to have in mind what your specific needs are, and choose the roller that has the unique qualities you need.
OPTP Soft Foam Roller
The OPTP Soft Density Pro Roller is a great introductory self massage tool. One of the primary complaints about rolling is the level of discomfort, especially when you first start out.
It takes time and repetition to adapt to the pressure, and this can be extremely difficult to accomplish if it’s just too painful. The OPTP soft roller is a good solution to this problem. There are 3 options these rollers come in; firm (blue) and soft (pink).
While you can’t always reduce your bodyweight on the roller, having a super soft roller can buffer the intensity to at least make it tolerable. OPTP has a great reputation in the therapy industry for making quality products, so you can’t go wrong with this one.
The only problem with this roller is the potential to outgrow it. Once you adapt to the pressure, you may want to upgrade to a more firm/dense roller, so $57.95 is a tough pill to swallow before having to potentially spend more within a matter of a few weeks or months.
High Density Foam Roller
The high density foam roller is what I call “old trusty”. It’s the one found in gyms all across America and what most runners are familiar with.
High density foam rollers are the standard runners roller but do absolutely leave much to be desired. It’s a good balance point between the super soft OPTP roller, and the much more aggressive Rumble Roller.
This roller is still a tough one to get started with for the novice with increased sensitivity to working on very common tender regions such as the IT bands, and also the hip adductors.
When it comes to actual foam rollers, this is simply the best foam roller for runners.
Rumble Roller
The Rumble Roller is a more aggressive option. Frankly this is one of my least favorite recommendations. Foam rolling legs is tough enough in some areas with just a regular soft roller, so having spikes combined with a hard dense surface isn’t helping things along.
The thought process that often underlies this “no pain no gain” mentality is the belief that foam rolling breaks up scar tissue, adhesions, and “knots”. This is not true, which I explain in depth in this article.
That said, some people really like this roller, so I wanted to include it as an option for the person that really likes a super aggressive option. It is also worth nothing that Rumble Roller offers a firm and extra-firm option.
Foam Roller Alternatives
The problem with foam rollers in particular is the difficulty in using them to access specific areas of the body effectively. This is an especially important concerns for choosing the best massager roller for legs. Foam rollers apply even flat pressure to an area, when the reality is you need someone to accommodate all the “corners”, without having to constantly re-position yourself on the roll.
This is where foam roller substitutes can be most effective. Different tools have been created to make the soft tissue therapy process faster and more effective.
Idson Muscle Roller Stick
The muscle roller stick is a classic for self massage therapy, and out of the bunch, it is simply the easiest to drop into your bag and go.
When space limitation is the greatest concern, this tool is the go-to compromise.
When it comes to therapeutic value, however, this tool has probably the lowest value. Poor leverage, coupled with a lot of work to apply deep pressure, makes this one more of a supplemental tool rather than your primary.
Trigger Point Nano Foot Roller
No foam roller alternative section can be complete without giving at least one solid review of a product to address the foot.
Many runners deal with foot issues such as plantar fasciitis, and foam roller options aren’t going to do the job alone (although the Double Up Roller can cover this area quite well).
The Trigger Point Nano Foot roller is one of the top options. This little roller comes in two different densities, regular and extra firm, and gets the job done when it comes to effectively rolling the bottom of the foot.
The finger-like knobs are needed due to the varying surface of the foot.
This completes my review list for the best foam roller for runners. After reviewing the options, its tough to get a one-thing-for-everything solution, so I selected the Double Up Roller as my winner.
Although it’s not an actual foam roller, in my opinion, it accomplishes far more than it’s competitors.
Sam Visnic
I’ve spent my life studying the fundamental aspects of human health with a focus on movement and clinical massage therapy. In a world of specialists, surgical procedures, drugs and quick fix remedies, I’m committed to finding and developing strategies that help people stuck at the “gap”. Over the last 20 years I’ve studied dozens of systems and methodologies for uncovering the root cause of aches and pains, along with postural and movement issues. Pain science, the art and science of hands-on soft tissue massage techniques, myofascial release, and coaching movement is essential in my practice. Integrating different methods but above all deciphering WHEN to use different techniques with different people and situations, along with integration of movements that people want to be able to do again is the key to long term success with my incredible track record with clients. Understanding the various elements that contribute to conditions and the power of communication and education makes my Release Muscle Therapy program separate from other hands-on therapy approaches.
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