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Author: Sam Visnic

Plantar Fasciitis Exercises – Pain Relief + Improve Flexibility

Recently I did a complete search of plantar fasciitis exercises, and the initial few search result pages produced some classic but very limited options. 

If you have a super simple or mild case of Plantar fasciitis that is easily fixable, these general movements will help and you may not need anything fancy.

However, many people with chronic plantar fasciitis will have a different story, and likely require a more precise step-by-step progression of exercises AND stretches, along with knowing which plantar fasciitis exercises to avoid. 

For example, a common recommendation is to perform calf raises.  The problem here is that many people can’t perform this exercise with 100% of their bodyweight without really irritating the already inflamed plantar fascia.  

Sure, you could probably just “power through” it, but I certainly don’t recommend it, especially when there are many options to start exercises and stretching, then graduate into the more challenging ones without putting yourself into more pain.



Best Plantar Fasciitis Stretches

One of the most common therapeutic recommendations for treating plantar fasciitis is stretching.  This is predominately because the evidence shows most individuals dealing with plantar fasciitis have reduced dorsiflexion of the ankle.  Reduced motion of the ankle leads to alteration in weight bearing in the foot, putting more strain on the plantar tissue.


When implemented consistently over the short term (about 3 months), research supports significant improvement in symptoms especially when both calf and plantar fascia stretches are combined, but over the long run, is about equal when compared to plantar fasciitis exercises.

Below I have compiled my go-to plantar fasciitis stretches.  They are ordered generally in intensity, and I often assign my personal clients 2-3 at a time along with self massage work, which can be helpful in reducing plantar fascia trigger points.

NOTE:  Always consult with your healthcare provider before doing any new  stretching program, because sometimes heel pain is not plantar fasciitis!

Big Toe | First MTP Joint Stretch

Seated Calf Stretch With Band Or Towel + Big Toe Focus

Big Toe | 1st MTP Quadruped Stretch

Seated Calf Stretch With Band Or Towel

Standing Calf Stretch

How much and how often should stretches be performed?

As with most everything in the exercise + therapy realm, there is debate on the most effective way to perform plantar fasciitis stretches and exercises.

Various research papers show there doesn’t seem to be any clear winner universally.

Therefore, my recommendation for personal clients is to perform 3 repetitions, holding for the standard 20-30 seconds each.  Intensity on a 1-10 (10 being most intense), I do not recommend going more than a 5 when it comes to intensity.

The goal is to alleviate discomfort, introduce stretch to the tissues, and avoid any flare-ups due to being too aggressive.

A minimum of 2x per day works best, and if the intensity is kept low, they can be performed more often.

Best Plantar Fasciitis Exercises

The exercises below are outlined based on 3 categories:

  1. The muscles of the foot (called intrinsic muscles).
  2. The calf muscles + achilles tendon (both always involved with plantar fasciitis)
  3. Combo of the above 2

In addition, I have also sorted the exercises into versions that include a stretch of the calf and ankle, and versions that do not.  The reason I did this is because some people can’t tolerate much lengthening due to either irritation of the tissues (achilles for example), OR some orthopedic restriction of the ankle.

Either way, as long as the exercises are progressed over time, it appears both versions will produce a good result.  I do want to note, however, that reduced ankle range of motion and calf flexibility is one of the factors that is thought to contribute to plantar fasciitis, so stretching may need to be added into the program at some point if you don’t tolerate the stretch versions of the exercises.

This decision should be left to you + your health provider or therapist to figure out what is best for you.

Exercises that Focus on the Intrinsic Foot Muscles

Foot Intrinsic Exercise With Towel

This simple exercise, often referred to as the “towel scrunch” with a washcloth, targets the toe muscles specifically.  

To perform this exercise:

  1. Use a medium-sized towel and place it on the floor.  Place your heel on the edge of the towel near you.
  2. Spread your toes and try to reach out and grab the towel and curl your toes toward you. 
  3. Repeat for as many repetitions as possible before needing to reset the towel. 
  4. This exercise can be repeated multiple times per day. 

Standing Band Toe Flexion Exercise

This exercise targets toe flexion to improve mobility and also strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the foot. 

To perform this exercise:

  1. Use a light exercise band to start with.  Stand with your foot on the middle of the band. 
  2. Pull tension upward on the band until you reach the desired amount of resistance.
  3. While keeping the whole foot in contact with the ground, press the toes down toward the floor. 
  4. Repetition range can vary, but 15-20 is average, performed multiple times per day.

Exercises that Focus on the Tibialis Anterior Muscle

Seated Foot + Ankle Dorsiflexion

This exercise targets the muscles that dorsiflex the foot and ankle, predominately the tibialis anterior.  

To perform this exercise:

  1. While sitting, place a pillow or foam roller under your knees and foot hanging over the side of the table/bed.  This does not affect the performance of the muscle activity, but allows for positional comfort, especially if you have tight hamstrings, sciatic tension, or lower back discomfort.
  2. Initiate the movement by pulling your toes up toward your knees.  You will feel the muscles on the front of your shin, but also a slight stretch in the calf + achilles area.
  3. Repeat for repetitions until light fatigue (usually 20-30), and this movement can be performed multiple times per day.

Seated Foot + Ankle Dorsiflexion with Band

This exercise is the same as previous, with the addition of a band for resistance.  The band can be tied around something that is secure and allows for appropriate resistance to get 20-30 repetitions.

Exercises that Focus on the Calf Muscles + Achilles Tendon

Without Stretch

Seated Single Leg Calf Press With Band – Eccentric Only

Eccentric-only exercises have become popular for tendon-based rehabilitation.  The eccentric portion of a movement is essentially the lowering-phase.  

By reducing the tension on the band during the lifting phase (concentric), pure eccentric training can be accomplished to strengthen the tendons and plantar fascia.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Start by sitting with one leg straight or near straight (pillow or bolster under knee if needed). 
  2. Place the band around the foot.
  3. Pull tension in the band toward you as you resist the tension with your foot until you reach the desired range of motion.  
  4. Let go of the band tension, then return your foot back to the starting position.
  5. Recommended repetition ranges can vary, but generally 10-15 repetitions are performed, 1-2 sets, working up to multiple times per day.


Seated Calf Press With Band

This exercise is performed the same was as the previous, but full range of motion is used.  This is a favorite starting exercise for strengthening because the resistance can be easily modified for pain-free training.

Repetitions can vary highly for this exercise, but generally 15-20 is the standard, performed multiple times per day.

Supported Calf Raise

There is often difficulty bridging the gap between the seated and standing versions of calf raises.  In therapy or gym settings, this gap can be filled with exercise machines such as a calf press or seated calf machine, but these aren’t always available for many people.

The supported calf raise can be a good option.  By resting the elbows and upper body on a counter top or equivalent, the weight on the lower extremity can be reduced by quite a bit.  

To perform this exercise:

  1. Start by locating a surface approximately mid-thigh level or higher.
  2. Bend forward at the hips and rest your upper body on the surface.
  3. While keeping the knees just slightly bent, press your toes into the ground and perform a full calf raise.
  4. Hold briefly, then return to the start. 
  5. Repeat until light fatigue or roughly between 15-20 repetitions, and work up to multiple times per day.

Supported Single Leg Calf Raise – Eccentric Only

This exercise is performed in a similar was as the previous, but this version is eccentric only on single leg.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Start in the same position as the previous.
  2. Shift your weight to the NON-affected side (so if you have plantar fasciitis on the left foot for example you would shift your weight to the right foot).
  3. Perform the calf raise.
  4. At the top of the movement, shift your weight to the affected side (in this example the left side)
  5. Lower down until control.
  6. Shift the weight back to the unaffected side and repeat.
  7. As with most eccentric training recommendations, this is performed generally for 10-15 repetitions, working up to multiple times per day.

Supported Single Leg Calf Raise

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous, but with both the concentric and eccentric portions included.

General recommendation is to perform until light fatigue or 15-20 repetitions, working up to multiple times per day.

Standing Calf Raise

The standing calf raise is the standard for strengthening the muscles of the lower legs.  It is performed in the same fashion as the previous exercises, but with upright body alignment. 

I recommend placing fingers on a countertop or wall to reduce focus on balancing as the calf raise is performed. 

Standing Single Leg Calf Raise – Eccentric Only

This version of the standing calf raise is focused on eccentric training only.  It is a also a great bridge to the single leg calf raise with full range of motion.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Start in the same position as the previous.
  2. Shift your weight to the NON-affected side (so if you have plantar fasciitis on the left foot for example you would shift your weight to the right foot).
  3. Perform the calf raise.
  4. At the top of the movement, shift your weight to the affected side (in this example the left side)
  5. Lower down until control.
  6. Shift the weight back to the unaffected side and repeat.
  7. As with most eccentric training recommendations, this is performed generally for 10-15 repetitions, working up to multiple times per day.

Standing Single Leg Calf Raise

The standing single leg calf raise is performed in the same fashion as the previous, but with performing both concentric and eccentric portions of the movement. 

Generally, I find that a target of working up to 15 repetitions on each side is a sufficient level of strength on this exercise.  Due to the increased loading on this exercise, I often only recommend it once per day in order to avoid muscular soreness which can prevent daily training.

With Stretch

As above, the exercises below are the same as above, with the exception of adding the stretch component off a step.  I have included links to the Youtube clips for your convenience.  These will open in a new tab.

Supported Calf Raise – Lower To Stretch

Supported Single Leg Calf Raise – Eccentric Only – Lower To Stretch

Standing Calf Raise

Standing Single Leg Calf Raise


Exercises that Combine Intrinsic Foot + Calf Muscles + Achilles Tendon

The exercises in this section are aimed at all 3 areas:  the intrinsic foot muscles, calves, and achilles.  This can be simply accomplished with elevating the toes on a small towel roll to increase starting tension on the plantar fascia.  

Its important to note that in some people this can be a strong increase in intensity, and even if you have progressed through the previous series of exercises, you may need to take a few steps back in progressions in order to initiate the toe elevated versions. 

As always, connect with your therapist before adding them in to see which is the best approach for you. 

All of these movements are assigned with the same repetitions/frequency recommendations mentioned previously relative to the same body positioning.

Without Stretch

Supported Calf Raise – Toe Elevated

Supported Single Leg Calf Raise – Toe Elevated

Standing Calf Raise – Toe Elevated

Standing Single Leg Calf Raise – Eccentric Only – Toe Elevated


With Stretch

As above, the exercises below are the same as above, with the exception of adding the stretch component off a step.  I have included links to the Youtube clips for your convenience.  These will open in a new tab.

Supported Calf Raise – Toe Elevated – Lower To Stretch

Supported Single Leg Calf Raise – Eccentric Only – Toe  Elevated – Lower To Stretch

Standing Calf Raise – Toe Elevated – Lower To Stretch

Standing Single Leg Calf Raise – Toe Elevated – Lower To Stretch


When to Progress Exercises

A common question that arises is “How do I know when to progress to the next exercise?”

In my personal practice, when working with clients, I generally recommend spending a week with an exercise with no flare ups the next day before attempting the next progression.

I may include a few variables to work on, which could include hitting a certain number of repetitions, sets, or times per day as well, but it all depends on the individual’s needs and response, and of course how long they have been dealing with chronic plantar fascia pain.

When moving forward to the next progression, I also recommend only adding it in every OTHER day until adaptation occurs, then it can be progressed to daily. 

The factors that will affect progression with plantar fasciitis exercises can include:

  • Load (amount of resistance or weight)
  • Range of motion
  • Repetitions
  • Sets
  • Speed of movement
  • Number of times performed per day

All of these factors can be manipulated in order to increase/decrease stress on the tissues and allow for adaptation without triggering unwanted flare ups.

Just remember, exercises alone won’t help you overcome plantar fasciitis.  Stretching, massage therapy, and other therapeutic modalities such as self massage for plantar fasciitis combined often work to get the best results.  Trigger point therapy for plantar fasciitis may be very helpful as well. 

Here are some quick important stats on triggers for Plantar Fasciitis that effect recommendations:

  • Approximately 10% of all injuries in connection with running deal with PF (Impact)
  • Obesity is an issue for PF in 70% of cases (Prolonged pressure)
  • Not changing footwear (Either prolonged pressure and/or stretch on tissues)
  • Standing all day (Prolonged pressure)
  • Age 40-60 has highest occurrence of plantar fasciitis (Age is associated with lack of tissue elasticity)
  • Movement mechanics/limitations in lower extremity which contributes to the pattern that triggered it to begin with.

Do You Have To Stop Exercising?

In general, no, you do not have to stop exercising when you’re dealing with plantar fasciitis, but you do need to MODIFY what you’re doing to work around the painful area.

I often see people that stop doing literally everything when they get a flare up.  I think this is a big mistake, as it can lead to loss of fitness and for some people, more mental/emotional stress, as exercise their preferred form of stress relief.

There is a lot that you can do to stay fit and active that won’t flare up pain in your feet.

Here are a great list of gym exercises you can do that don’t involve the foot:

  • Leg Extensions
  • Leg Curls
  • Seated Hip Abductions + Adductions
  • Lat Pulldowns
  • Bench Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Abdominal Crunches
  • Rear Delt Flyes
  • Bicep Curls
  • Tricep Press-downs

Obviously there are many more options than these!

Exercises To Avoid With Plantar Fasciitis

Movements that tend to be most aggravating when the plantar fascia tissues are irritated involve impact and speed.

Some of these might include:

  • Plyometrics (jumping)
  • Sports that involve speed and/or quick changes of direction (almost all of them!)
  • Running
  • Aggressive training for the lower leg (this is relative to the fitness level of the individual)


When it comes to specific exercises for the calves and feet, you need to seek the advice of your doctor or therapist.  Depending on the initial type of injury, where you are at in the injury cycle, and amount of pain you’re experiencing, they will help you determine the best progressions of plantar fasciitis exercises to start with.

Is It Safe To Exercise?

In general, for most people, it appears exercising is ok for plantar fasciitis under the care of a therapist or physician after ruling out any potential underlying pathology.  Stretching is also a good idea as well as reducing trigger points in the surrounding muscles.

How To Modify Cardiovascular Exercise

One of the challenges with plantar fasciitis is how to stay active enough to lose weight, which is one of the long-term health factors to address.

Walking is the go-to exercise for most people to stay active, but it can really irritate an active flare up.  When advising my personal clients in these cases, I recommend pool-based exercise above all.

The combination of reduced weight and minimal impact is the perfect combination for getting in a high volume of movement.

Some people prefer to use the elliptical (if tolerated) and others can use the stationary bike or rower.

Of course these options all depend on the person.  I have had people that could only tolerate swimming initially.

References For Plantar Fasciitis Exercises:



Temecula CA Family Activities: 7 Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Kids

Whether you are vacationing with your family in Temecula or locals who live in nearby areas like Murrieta, here’s a list of the top 7 activities you can indulge in and places you can visit with your family and have a great time.

Round1 Bowling & Amusement

This amusement center in Temecula has a multi-entertainment facility featuring fun activities like bowling, arcade games, billiards, karaoke, ping pong, darts, and other entertainment-like activities in an indoor facility complex.

Due to its variety of fun-filled activities and fantastic food, snacks, and beverages, Round1 Bowling & Amusement is the top pick of most parents.

Temecula Valley Museum

Temecula Valley Museum is a Historic museum featuring city artifacts and a permanent exhibit on author Erle Stanley Gardner.

You can decide to take your family back in time and experience the rich history of Temecula. Visiting the Temecula Valley Museum promises a fun-filled and informational day. Picnic facilities and a children’s playground area outside the museum’s front door.
Your children will be very involved in the whole process as the museum offers children a playful and interactive discovery area.

Temecula Duck Pond and Park

Temecula Duck Pond and park is a compact park featuring ducks paddling in a petite pool & a memorial to war veterans. It is a fun place to relax and enjoy nature.

You and your family can stop by and visit for a while or take a walk while watching ducks and turtles and enjoying the very friendly and relaxing atmosphere

Rose Haven Heritage Garden

If you have little kids, I recommend visiting this place. In addition to its kids’ programs, there’s an outdoor showcase for wide rose varieties. 

Although the garden is open year-round, the first blooms are enjoyed during April and May and then again in August. The Rose Have Heritage Garden is known for its serene environment, with good music, beverages, and ice cream.
It provides a peaceful setting for quiet enjoyment, active learning, and building community connections through nature.

Ronald Reagan Sports Park

Ronald Reagan Sports Park is a public park with multiple baseball fields, two soccer fields, a playground, a skate park, a picnic area, and BBQs.  The park is well kept leaving a nice area to walk around, and it is a great place to visit with your family.  After your sporting endeavor, Temecula massage therapy is a good option to relax those tense muscles.

Mulligan Family Fun Center- Murrieta

Mulligan Family Fun Center- Murrieta is a great place for kids, family, and events. The price is very reasonable, and the customer service is excellent.

Suppose you decide to spend a day in the Mulligan Family Fun Center. In that case, your family will enjoy a delicious meal served in a private area, a fun-filled day with unforgettable rides, and miniature golf. You can also decide to celebrate any family functions of any size and budget, like birthdays

Brainy Actz Escape Rooms Temecula

This is a fun, challenging, exciting place to visit with friends and family. It is also perfect for celebrating or having little parties.
Brainy Actz Escape Rooms Temecula provides a realistic puzzle room quest that puts you in a room for an hour with a group of people. The goal is to solve different objectives and puzzles so you and your team can ultimately exit the room before the clock runs out.

Brainy Actz Escape Rooms Temecula is unique in that the adventures are tailored to adults and kids in order for everyone to be involved and have fun.

There are tons of fun activities you can enjoy with your family, and the above list is just the list of the tip of the iceberg!

The 3 Best Places to Visit in Murrieta

If you’ve ever driven past the city of Murrieta, you might be wondering what there is to do there. Many people are surprised that the city has so much to offer. It’s only about 30 minutes southeast of Riverside and about 40 minutes north of San Diego, and just north of Temecula CA. If you’re looking for the best places to visit in Murrieta, this post will give you everything you need to know.

The Best of Everything in Murrieta

If you’ve been wondering, “What are the best things to do in Murrieta?”, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of the best places to visit in Murrieta so you can start planning your weekend right now!

Travelator – No, this isn’t some secret underground rail system. This is a whimsical waterpark that has a ton of great activities for kids and adults. Whether you have kids or not, it’s a fun place to visit. You can enjoy the Lazy River, the Wild Wave Waterslide, the Flow Rider for surfing, the Play Pool for kids, the Coconut Beach for lounging in the sun, and so much more. This is one of the best places to visit in Murrieta.

Rotary Nature Center – If you’re looking for the best places to visit with kids in Murrieta, this is a great one. It’s a nature center that’s home to hundreds of animals. Visitors can see zebras, camels, emus, and more. It’s also home to a lot of cool plants and flowers. This is a great place to visit if you’re interested in animals, nature, or both. SoCal Coaches

Sports Complex – This is a great sports complex with tons of sports facilities. You can visit the Sports Village to enjoy the soccer fields, tennis courts, baseball complex, and more. It’s a great place to visit if you or your kids are interested in sports.

Marine Corps Air Station El Toro – This is the place where many Navy pilots get their training. It’s also a great place for people to visit. You can see a few old fighter jets, a control tower where you can imagine what it was like to control flights, a mock runway you can walk across, and even an emergency helicopter ride. It’s a great place to visit if you’re interested in aviation.

Murrieta Hot Spots – If you’re looking to visit the best Murrieta hot spots, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some fun places to visit in Murrieta that are perfect for a weekend trip.

Springs Bowl – This is the oldest bowling alley in the state. It’s a great place to visit if you love bowling. You can also enjoy a delicious meal or snack here. It’s open 7 days a week.

Old Town Murrieta – This is a great place to visit if you’re interested in shopping. It has lots of unique stores and restaurants. It’s also home to the Murrieta Day of the Dead Celebration.

Murrieta Hot Springs – This is a great place to visit if you love natural hot springs. It’s open year-round and has a few different pools that you can enjoy. You can also enjoy a Murrieta deep tissue massage, yoga, or other spa services here.

Final Words

If you’ve been wondering, “Where can I go in Murrieta?”, you’ve come to the right place. These are some great places to visit in Murrieta so you can start planning your weekend right now! Whether you’re visiting or if you live in the city, there are lots of fun things to do. These are the best places to visit in Murrieta, so get out there and explore!

Fallbrook, CA’s Hidden Gem: A Place to Get Away

Fallbrook is often overlooked by visitors, mainly due to its remote location. It’s about an hour away from San Diego, and unless you live in North County or are willing to drive (and drive, and drive) from almost anywhere else in the county, it’s not exactly a convenient getaway. However, Fallbrook offers something that many other places in San Diego don’t: peace and quiet. Nestled between the hills of Carlsbad and mountains above Ramona, this small unincorporated town is perfect for anyone looking for a reprieve from city life.  If you’re planning on visiting Fallbrook soon but aren’t quite sure where to go once you get there—or if you just want to learn more so you can plan your trip better—keep reading!

What’s There to Do in Fallbrook?

Fallbrook offers a wide array of things to do. There are many historic sites in the area. One of the most notable is the Blevins-Wax Farmstead, a 19th-century farm that was once the headquarters for a fruit packing company. Fallbrook is home to the San Vicente Mountain, where visitors can get an amazing view of the surrounding area, hike one of its trails, or climb to the top of the fire lookout tower. There’s also Lake Jennings, which is a great place for fishing, boating, and swimming. Lake Wohlford is another good place for fishing, boating, swimming, and birdwatching. Plus, there are many beautiful trails in the area that are perfect for hiking, walking, and biking.  If you’re up to it, Murrieta massage isn’t too far away.

Where to Eat in Fallbrook

There are a lot of great places to get food in Fallbrook. There are many different types of restaurants in the area, so everyone is likely to find something they like. If you like American/Mexican food, you can check out the El Adobe Restaurant or El Mexicano Restaurant. If you’re looking for some Chinese food, you can go to the Lucky Wok or Gourmet Chinese Restaurant. If you’re in the mood for Indian food, there are a few places you can check out. If you’re not in a mood to drive, you can go to the Naan Indian Restaurant, but if you don’t mind driving a bit, you can go to the Tandoori Hut.

Where to Stay in Fallbrook

Fallbrook offers a range of places to stay. You can find tons of hotels and motels in the area, but if you want something a little more unique, there are also bed and breakfasts, inns, and vacation rentals in Fallbrook. If you want to stay in a bed and breakfast, there are three that are worth checking out. The Carriage Inn is one of the most famous places to stay. It’s the only remaining stagecoach stop in San Diego County. If you’re looking for something a bit less expensive, you can choose to stay at the Family Farm & Country Inn. It’s located right on a working farm!

Activities in Fallbrook

There are many different activities to do in Fallbrook, and Temecula is also just a stones throw away. If you like to shop, you can check out Fallbrook Flea Market, which is open every day except Mondays. If you’re in the mood to learn a new skill, you can go to the Fallbrook Golf and Country Club, which offers golf lessons. If you like animals, you can go to Fallbrook Wildlife Sanctuary, where you can enjoy feeding the animals, walking through the trails, and more. If you’re more interested in sports, you can go to the Fallbrook Golf and Country Club, which offers several different sports, including swimming, tennis, volleyball, and more.

Final Words

Fallbrook has something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in history, nature, sports, arts, or just want to shop, you’re sure to find something to do and see in Fallbrook. The best part is that it’s not as busy as other tourist destinations in the area, which means you’ll have more time to enjoy the things you love without being distracted by crowds. So if you’re looking for a quiet, remote place to spend some time, Fallbrook is a great choice!

What To Do In Fallbrook

‍So you’ve been living in Fallbrook for a while now and have gotten used to the same old scenery. You take the same road to work every day, go out to eat at the same old restaurants, and hang out with the same groups of people. It’s time for you to shake things up a bit and find something new to inspire you again. What are some great ideas for how you can do that? There are lots of great things to do in Fallbrook when you want a change from your regular routine. Check out these activities as excellent ways to spark your imagination and get your creative juices flowing again!

Go On A Hike

There are lots of amazing hiking trails near Fallbrook for you to explore. You can explore any of the nearby National Parks, which will give you some amazing photo opportunities. If you’re looking to get out of town for a day trip, you can also explore some of the amazing local trails. There are hikes for all fitness levels and ages, so you can find something that suits you perfectly. Hiking is a great way to get in touch with nature, which will help you to feel more grounded and less stressed. You can also make it into a fun group activity with friends or family. If you’re lucky, you might run into some interesting wildlife or plants along the way. Hiking is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself a little bit.

Visit The Art Centre

If you love art, the Fallbrook Art Centre is the place for you. They host a wide variety of exhibitions, from famous artists to local artists from the area. You can visit any day of the week, and they also offer free admission on the first Thursday of every month. The centre is open until 8pm on Thursday nights for those who want to go for a date night or hang out with friends. While you’re visiting, you can also check out their cafe, which serves delicious food and drinks, including a selection of wine. The Art Centre also hosts a range of workshops and classes, so you can learn more about art while you’re there. The Art Centre is a great place to visit with friends or family, or even on a date.

Go To A Local Concert

If you’re a music lover, there are lots of great concerts to choose from in the Fallbrook area. You can find out when your favorite musician is touring, or look into some local concerts. You can also explore music festivals, which is a great way to spend a weekend with friends. You don’t have to go to a concert to enjoy music, but it can be a fun way to spend an evening with friends, or even a date. If you’re looking for a change from mainstream music, there are also lots of music festivals and concerts that celebrate different cultures and musical styles. You can find something that inspires you and leaves you feeling more connected to the world around you.

Go To A Comedy Show

If you want to laugh, a comedy show is the way to go. You can find lots of shows in the Fallbrook area, and it can be a great way to spend an evening with friends. You can explore local comedy clubs, or you can go to see a famous comedian performing in the area. There are lots of great comedians who perform in California, as well as touring shows, so there are lots of options for you. A comedy show can be a great way to de-stress, as well as to introduce humour back into your life again. Comedy shows are a great way to connect with people who might be feeling the same way you do, and you can have a great time with friends.

Take A Cooking Class

If you’re at a loss for what to do this fall, why not sign up for a cooking class? You will be able to learn new recipes, and you might even meet someone new. It’s also a great way to celebrate fall, as you can learn to make seasonal dishes. There are lots of cooking classes available, from basic knife skills to advanced cooking techniques, so you can find something that suits your skill level and interests. Cooking is a great way to get creative, and it can be a wonderful stress-reliever. Cooking is also a great way to stay healthy and eat more seasonally. It’s a great way to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.

Visit The Spa

If you’ve been feeling stressed or need a way to relax, there are lots of great spas in the Fallbrook and Murrieta CA area. You can choose to go to a nearby day spa, or you can go to a hotel spa for a more indulgent experience. There are lots of different types of spas, so you can pick one that best suits your needs and desires. Visiting the spa is a great way to treat yourself and relax, as well as to de-stress. You can also choose a spa that offers treatments that target specific goals, like improving your skin or reducing stress and anxiety. Whatever your goals, there is a spa for you. A spa visit is a great way to treat yourself, connect with yourself, and relax, unwind, and get a massage.

Go On A Road Trip

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can take a road trip. If you don’t know where to go, try finding out which destinations are nearby that are off the beaten path. You can also plan a road trip around an event or a festival. You can also plan your trip according to the changing seasons, so you can see what the different parts of the country look like in different seasons. Road trips are a great way to get out of your comfort zone, explore new places, and meet new people. You can also bring along some fun activities, like games, puzzles, or books, to make the trip even more enjoyable. A road trip is a great way to break out of your routine and explore new places.


There are lots of great things to do in Fallbrook when you want to shake things up a bit. Whether you want to explore the outdoors, learn something new, or relax and de-stress, there are many options for you. Fall is a great time of year to explore California, and these activities are the perfect way to celebrate the season and enjoy the changing weather. Come fall, the weather is cooling off, the leaves are changing colors, and there are many fun activities to enjoy in the Fallbrook area. These are just a few of the great ways to celebrate fall and shake things up a bit.

The Top 5 Places to Visit in Murrieta CA

Looking for something to do in Murrieta? Whether you’re a local or just passing through, there is plenty to explore and enjoy. This city is known for its beautiful homes and gardens, as well as its beautiful people: the residents of this charming town; however there are plenty of things to do here that will help you see past the surface of this place. In fact, it is such a hidden gem that if you were to pass by without exploring further, you would be missing out on some amazing experiences. But have no fear – we’ve got you covered. Here are the top 5 places to visit in Murrieta CA!

The Murrieta Hot Springs

If you are a lover of nature and a fan of healing, then you shouldn’t miss out on a relaxing visit to the Murrieta hot springs. This place is a real treasure and it’s the perfect place to unwind and relax with friends or family. The spring water is naturally sulphur-rich, and many believe that it has healing powers. The springs are fed from the water table, so the water is as natural as it gets. The setting is beautiful and serene. Murrieta Hot Springs is located in a natural setting, surrounded by a grove of trees, with paths leading to different pools. The main pool is fed by a perpetual flow of hot water, about 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The water is rich in minerals, which are beneficial for your health. It’s important to note that you must bring your own towels and swimwear. There are two options for parking: uncovered or uncovered overflow. Since the site is not covered, you may want to avoid visiting during inclement weather.

Old Town Temecula

Anyone that has ever visited Murrieta, or even lives here, will know that this is the place to go for great food, lots of live music, and friendly people. You’ll find plenty of great restaurants and bars, including barbeque, Mexican, and so much more; as well as live music and other events hosted there. Be sure to keep an eye out for the many murals around town too – they are works of art in themselves, and help to define this place as well. This is the place to go if you are a foodie. So many great restaurants are located here, and you are bound to find something for everyone. You can get a taste for Mexican food with a modern twist, you can enjoy some delicious BBQ, or you can go for Italian. Whichever cuisine tickles your fancy, you’re bound to find it here.  Nightlife in Temecula is amazing, so be sure to see whats available.

The Rotary Music Festival

If you are a fan of music, culture, and great food, then you need to add the Murrieta Rotary Music Festival to your list of things to do in Murrieta. Every year, thousands of people come together to enjoy an amazing weekend of food, music, drinks, and so much more. This festival takes place at the Murrieta Amphitheatre, which is known for being one of the best outdoor venues in the area. You can expect to enjoy artists like Foreigner, The Doobie Brothers, Styx, Chicago, and many more. This is a place to bring your friends and family, and enjoy some great outdoor fun, while listening to some great music.

Lake Skinner: A Great Place to Fly a Kite and Ride Your Bike

If you are looking for a place to enjoy nature and relax, then Lake Skinner is a great place to visit near Fallbrook. It’s also a great place to bring the family, and there are always events and things happening there, so you can be sure to find something fun to do there, no matter the season. This is a great park to visit any time of the year, but it is especially beautiful and enjoyable during the fall months. You can enjoy the leaves changing colour and falling to the ground, while you are enjoying being outdoors and doing something fun with your friends and family. This park is a great place to enjoy the outdoors. You can go for a walk, or you can ride your bike. There are also things to do for people of all ages, like hiking, jogging, fishing, and so much more. Whatever you choose, you’re sure to have fun, and appreciate some time in nature.

California Theatre

If you are a fan of history, then you won’t want to miss out on a visit to the California Theatre in Murrieta. Built in the 1930’s, this theatre has seen many changes and is even listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This place is a real treasure, and it’s a great place to take the family, or host an event, such as an upcoming birthday. You can enjoy live performances at this theatre, or simply visit to appreciate the beauty of this place. Be sure to check their website to see what events are scheduled and coming up, or even host your own event at this wonderful location. You are sure to make many memories at this historic theatre, while enjoying the beauty of this place. This is one of the top 5 places to visit in Murrieta CA.

The Shops at River

If you are looking for a place to shop, dine, hang out, and more, then you need to check out the Shops at River in Murrieta. This is a growing and developing area, and is home to many great shops and restaurants. There is something for everyone, so you are sure to find something that interests you. You can enjoy some great restaurants, like IHOP, Outback Steakhouse, and many more; as well as shops like Barnes & Noble, Sears, and many more. This is a great place to spend time with friends or family, and enjoy great food and experiences. There is always something happening at the Shops at River, so there is never a dull moment. Be sure to check their website to see what events are coming up. You are sure to find something that interests you and makes for a great day or evening out. These are the top 5 places to visit in Murrieta CA, and also check out Temecula Massage Therapy at Release Muscle Therapy. Be sure to also explore some other great places to visit while in this area, such as Lake Skinner, the Rotary Music Festival, and many more. You are sure to have a great time, and you will appreciate this town even more after exploring these amazing places.

Exploring Murrieta CA

The city of Murrieta, California is along the second longest stretch of the Santa Ana River. The city covers almost 14 square miles, with a population that’s grown from 33,000 in 2010 to over 55,000 currently. In addition, the city has seen an increase in young families and new businesses popping up to serve them. Greater Murrieta is home to nearly 320,000 people and has become one of the most rapidly developing cities in California. Visitors can explore all this wonderful city has to offer, from historical sites to modern amenities and natural beauty. Whether you have an hour or a day, these are our favorite places to walk around Murrieta!

Walk through the Murrieta Library Gardens

First, we recommend walking through the Murrieta Library Gardens, a beautiful garden oasis that has won the Outstanding Public Garden Award. It features everything from cacti and succulents to rare flowers, herbs, and trees. There are also themed gardens, including a native plants garden and a children’s garden. If you visit on the third Saturday of the month, you can take a tour with a volunteer docent and learn more about the plants. You can also learn about the upcoming events and workshops held at the Murrieta Library Gardens, including yoga classes and nature exploration activities for children.

Check out the Murrieta Off-Road Recreation Area (MORRA)

Next, we recommend checking out the Murrieta Off-Road Recreation Area (MORRA). It’s a great place to walk, explore, and learn about local history. The area was once a wetland and was transformed into a riverbed in the 1950s, when the water was diverted for flood control. This open space park is a haven for local wildlife, especially birds and other critters that thrive in the native plants and trees. It’s also a great place for humans to hike, run, walk their dogs, or ride their horses. There are over 50 miles of trails, including beginner friendly paths that are wheelchair and stroller accessible.

Hike along the trails at Cooper Trowel Mountain Preserve

Cooper Trowel Mountain Preserve is a nature reserve located in the foothills of Murrieta. It’s home to over 250 species of plants, as well as a variety of native wildlife, including squirrels, coyotes, and rabbits. The preserve was created to protect and restore the native habitat, while providing a place for people to enjoy nature and learn about ecology. There are several hiking trails, including the Wildflower Trail, which is wheelchair and stroller friendly. The trails wind through the foothills and are great for walking, running, and hiking with your dog. They are also open for horseback riding and biking, so keep an eye out for other trail users.

Stop by the Murrieta Cal Council on Aging

Next, we recommend stopping by the Murrieta Cal Council on Aging. It’s an amazing place for seniors and people with disabilities to learn, connect with others, and participate in a variety of activities and programs. There are also free walking groups, which meet every Wednesday and Sunday. To join in on the fun, you just need to sign up and show up. The Cal Council on Aging also hosts a variety of events that are open to everyone in the community. You can attend everything from storytelling and writing workshops to health and wellness fairs and Murrieta massage. There are even special events, such as concerts, movies, and cooking classes.

Visit Old Town Murrieta and check out Mer

Lastly, we recommend visiting Old Town Murrieta and checking out Mer. It’s a gorgeous architectural landmark built in the 1920s. Murrieta’s Old Town is home to a wide variety of shops, restaurants, and bars. It’s a great place to wander with friends and family, or by yourself. One of the most notable buildings in the area is Mer. It’s an art deco building that was once a car showroom for Mer Dodge and later turned into a car dealership. It’s now a public art space that’s open daily. You can take photos and explore the building, or attend one of the many events held here, including art shows and live music concerts.

Reasons to Move to Fallbrook CA (And What To Expect)

Fallbrook is an unincorporated community located in the northern part of San Diego County, California. It is known for its apple orchards, vineyards, and natural beauty. There are a lot of things to do in Fallbrook; it is an ideal place for people who love outdoor activities or simply want to relax. If you are looking to move somewhere new with wonderful amenities and a great variety of housing options, then you should consider moving to Fallbrook CA. Here are several reasons why you should make the move and what you can expect if you do.

A Little Bit of History

There are several different stories about how Fallbrook got its name, but the most common one is that it was named after a man named Colonel Henry Fallbrook who purchased land there in 1882. The town of Fallbrook was created in 1887 by two businessmen, C. S. Woolworth and J. W. Hinch, who purchased 600 acres of land in hopes of creating a new town. They never fully realized their dream, but their business endeavors led to the growth of the town. Fallbrook has a rich agricultural history and was a hub for citrus growing in the 1920s. However, changes in weather patterns and disease have led to a decline in the citrus business in Fallbrook. Nevertheless, there are several other agricultural sectors in the area that have caused the town to have a diversified economy. This has led to a lower rate of unemployment and a more affordable cost of living in Fallbrook.

Climate in Fallbrook

Fallbrook is a warm, sunny place that is perfect for people who love the outdoors. While it does get chilly during the winter months, it is not a year-round cold climate. The average high temperature in January is between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, while the average high temperature in July is between 74 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. On average, the temperatures range from 35 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to 74 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. The wettest months in Fallbrook are December and January, while the driest months are July and August.

Housing in Fallbrook

The housing market in Fallbrook is rather diverse, so you will find something that fits your needs and budget. Single-family homes are the most common type of housing in Fallbrook. Fallbrook also has a few gated communities, which are ideal for people who want to avoid common issues such as traffic, crime, and overcrowding. There are also a few luxury communities in Fallbrook, so if you want to live in a place with a higher-end feel, then Fallbrook has what you are looking for.

Recreation in Fallbrook

Fallbrook is the ideal place for people who love the outdoors. You can enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, rock climbing, or simply exploring the beautiful landscapes. If you like golfing or tennis, you can play year-round in Fallbrook. You can also enjoy spending time at the nearby beaches in San Diego, just an hour away from Fallbrook. There are several museums and art galleries in Fallbrook, where you can learn about the history of the town and the surrounding areas. You can also visit the nearby wineries and enjoy a day trip to the charming city of San Diego. There are also several annual events in Fallbrook that you can enjoy, including the Fallbrook Growers’ Fair, the Zinfandel Weekend, and the Harvest Festival.  There are also a number of fitness related activities and also be sure to stop and get a Fallbrook myofascial release massage session to enjoy some relaxation.

Schools in Fallbrook

Fallbrook is part of the San Diego County school district and has two nearby high schools, Fallbrook High School and Mission Hills High School. There are also two middle schools and two elementary schools nearby. There are a variety of private schools in San Diego that you can also consider if Fallbrook is not the right fit.


Fallbrook is a wonderful place to live. It has a low cost of living, a diverse population, and a thriving agricultural industry. It is also a great place to raise a family, as it has good schools and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. If you are looking for a place to settle down, you may consider Fallbrook CA. It is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

The Best Places to Eat in Murrieta, CA

Are you looking for the top restaurants in Murrieta, CA? This city is growing fast and has so many different new restaurants to explore. Whether you’re looking for casual spots with friends or a romantic date night, there are so many great options to choose from. The food scene in Murrieta is thriving and it’t somewhere that all visitors should add to their bucket list, no matter how long or short your stay is. There are some excellent restaurants in this great city that serve everything from burgers, pizza and Mexican food to Asian fusion and classic Italian cuisine. Whatever type of food you’re craving, there’s something for everyone here. Here are some of the very best places to eat in Murrieta if you want the ultimate gastronomic experience.

Baja Fresh

Who can resist a delicious Mexican feast? If you’re looking for fresh tacos, burritos and fajitas, Baja Fresh will not disappoint. This chain has been a hit across the U.S. for decades and is a great option to visit if you’re craving a bit of sunshine in your mouth. Baja Fresh is best known for its tacos, fajitas, quesadillas and nachos. Try the Baja chicken tacos or the fish tacos if you’re feeling more adventurous. Baja Fresh also has some great vegetarian options. This restaurant also offers a range of great cocktails and delicious desserts to end your meal with a big smile. Baja Fresh is the perfect place to take your family or friends out for a tasty Mexican meal. It’s also very family-friendly. Baja Fresh is open late most nights so it’s the perfect option if you fancy a late meal after a night out.

Blue Moon Cafe & Bakery

If you love to try new flavors and love baked goods, Blue Moon Cafe and Bakery is the perfect spot for you. This restaurant serves fresh Asian fusion food and is a great spot if you love sushi. The sushi bowls are a big hit with customers and are especially good if you’re on a diet. If you’re looking for something a bit more filling, try the spicy salmon roll or the crab roll. Blue Moon also serves Malaysian-inspired spicy noodle soups, Thai curries and Chinese baos. This is a great place to visit if you’re trying to avoid meat or dairy. Blue Moon is open late and is a perfect comfort food spot to visit for a relaxed meal after a long day. Blue Moon also has a bakery attached where you can pick up some Asian-influenced treats to enjoy at home.

California Pizza Kitchen

California Pizza Kitchen is a chain that has long been popular in the U.S. If you’re looking for a delicious pizza and salad combo, this chain is always a safe bet. California Pizza Kitchen serves a huge range of delicious pizzas as well as salads and pastas. The pizza options here are huge so you’ll never get bored of the menu. You can build your own pizza or choose from the classics if you’re feeling more traditional. California Pizza Kitchen also offers some great seasonal specials. If you’re craving something a bit different, try the Thai chicken pizza or the California veggie pizza. You can also try picking a different salad as a main. This is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a classic, casual family-friendly meal.

Crust Murrieta

If you’re looking for a great pizza, you can’t go wrong with Crust Murrieta. This popular pizza chain has some fantastic signature pizzas, including a Hawaiian, Mexican, Supreme and vegetarian pizza. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, you can also build your own pizza. Crust is a great place to visit on a date or with friends. It’s also a great option if you’re bringing the kids or teens as there are plenty of options for everyone. Crust is open late and is perfect if you fancy a late-night snack or meal.

El Torito

Are you craving some classic Mexican food? El Torito has some of the best tacos, fajitas and flautas in the city. This chain is a classic in Murrieta and has been serving up delicious food for decades. El Torito is a great place to visit if you want to enjoy a casual dinner with friends, family or your loved one. This restaurant is very casual, but the food is top-notch. El Torito offers a huge variety of different tacos, fajitas and other Mexican specialties. The flautas are also a big hit with customers. If you want to try a classic Mexican dish that’s sure not to disappoint, try the Mexican Combination. If you’re craving a drink, El Torito also offers a great selection of cocktails.

Evoli Japanese Restaurant

If you love Asian or Japanese food, Evoli is the perfect place to visit. This restaurant serves authentic Japanese cuisine, so you’ll be indulging in some of the tastiest and healthiest food you’ve ever tried. Evoli is a great date spot or is great for a group dinner. It’s a very modern and stylish restaurant with a big menu. You can choose from a range of different sushi options, nigiri and sashimi, as well as hot noodle soups and teriyaki dishes. Evoli also offers a great kids menu and is a very family-friendly option. This is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a sophisticated dining experience that’s a bit different to the normal restaurant.

Hu Hot Mongolian Grill

If you’re looking for a unique and interactive dining experience, Hu Hot Mongolian Grill is the place to visit. This chain is a great place to visit with friends or family. Hu Hot allows you to create your own stir fry dish using a wide range of ingredients and spices. You can choose from a range of meats, veggies and other toppings for your stir fry. Hu Hot also has a range of delicious sauces and spices to choose from if you need some ideas. This restaurant also offers a range of noodles and rice dishes for a less spicy option if you’re not feeling brave enough for the stir fry. If you’re looking for a great place to visit with friends, Hu Hot is fun, interactive and very affordable.

Jamba Juice

If you’re craving a healthy snack or drink, Jamba Juice is the perfect place to visit. This chain has been serving up tasty fruit and veggie smoothies since the ’90s. Jamba Juice is a great option if you’re visiting the city with kids or teens. There are lots of kid-friendly options for you to choose from. You can also create your own healthy smoothie or juice if you want to try something a bit different. There are Jamba Juice locations across the city. You can even order online if you’re pressed for time. Jamba Juice is a great place to relax and recharge after a long day.


If you’re craving Mexican food, there are plenty of great options to choose from. One of the best options is El Toro Mexican Restaurant. This restaurant serves up classic Mexican food with a modern twist. It’s a great place to visit if you want to enjoy a more upscale Mexican dining experience. El Toro offers an excellent menu of traditional Mexican dishes, but with a more modern twist. If you’re looking for a more traditional Mexican dish, El Toro offers some great tacos and fajitas. If you want to try something a bit more adventurous, try the shrimp or scallop ceviche or the lobster and shrimp enchiladas. El Toro is a great place to visit for a date or for a family dinner as there are lots of options for everyone.


There are so many great places to eat in Murrieta, CA. Whether you’re looking for Asian fusion, Italian or Mexican food, there’s something for everyone here. If you’re visiting this great city, make sure to add these top restaurants to your bucket list.

Foam Roller Alternative – 5 Top Tools For Results

Foam rolling is a hot topic these days and the practice can be very helpful for releasing soft tissues, reducing pain, and improving both flexibility and mobility.

There are a number of options when selecting a foam roller alternative.

The foam roll itself is not always the best option depending on what area of the body you are trying to reach.

Additionally, the primary problem with foam rolling is the amount of weight you have to place on the area, which can be way too intense.

For these reasons, I’ve created a list of the best foam roller alternative options.

Foam Roller Alternative – Factors That Affect Which You Choose
When it comes to self massage work, unfortunately there is no one-size-fits-all tool.

There are many areas of the body that need a certain type of surface or size in order to get into the area just right for the result.

The top things to keep in mind when choose an alternative for a foam roller are:

What is the desired pressure you want?
Does the area you want to treat have unique features? Curved? Flat? Small?
Price point
The other thing to keep in mind is whether or not you will out-grow the tool. For example, when it comes to foam rollers, they can be super soft with low-density, or high-density and very tough.

You may need to start out with a super soft surface, but once you adapt you will need something firmer to graduate the pressure.

To avoid having to buy too many tools, you will want to look for something that can adapt and grow with you.

Foam Roller Alternatives For Back
There are two specific areas to address with a foam roller when it comes to the back: the spine and the muscles next to the spine.

Foam rolling the spine is often applied specifically in the thoracic region in order to mobilize the vertebra into extension. This is fairly straightforward and most people feel comfortable on a low to medium density foam roller.

For an alternative to the foam roll, there aren’t a lot of options specific to this function, but there are numerous for the muscle release outcome.

Peanut Roller
While some people recommend tennis balls to roll the muscles of the spine, I’m not a huge fan of this for one primary reason: they constantly move around!

The combo peanut roller is the solution to this problem. It’s essentially 2 tennis-sized balls molded together with a small gap between them to make room for the spinous process.

5billion (interesting name right?) makes a good and simple peanut roller that makes for a great alternative to the foam roller.

Pso Back Massager
The next step up from the peanut roller is the Pso Back. This tool has the equivalent of “fingers” that would be placed on both sides of the spine.

It’s similar to the peanut, but much more intense. Those looking for a bit more targeted pressure will like this tool.

Spine Worx
The Spine Worx is a very interesting device. At first I was skeptical of it, but found it to be a nice gizmo for soft tissue release of the spinal extensors.

This foam roller alternative for the spine is very popular on sites such as Amazon, boasting over 5000 reviews. If you are looking for something near completely passive, meaning you don’t have to roll around in order to get the result, this would be what you’re looking for.

Foam Roller Alternatives For Legs

Foam roller alternatives for the legs, including the hamstrings, quadriceps, IT bands, groin and calves include a few options listed above, but these tools are going to be a better option for the lower body.

Trigger Point Nano Foot Roller

When it comes to rolling the feet, you have a few options.  You can definitely go with a golf ball or tennis ball.

However, if you’re looking for something a bit more targeted to the surface of the foot, the Trigger Point Nano is a great option.

When it comes to choosing a foam roller alternative, keep in mind there may not be ONE solution that covers everything you need.  You might need a few tools to get the job done.

Hopefully the tools listed above give you some great options as alternatives to the standard foam roller.