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How To Foam Roll Your IT Bands

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How To Foam Roll Your IT Bands

While its commonly called foam rolling the “IT band”, we are really rolling the lateral quadricep (vastus lateralis) and the tensor fascia latae (TFL).

This are is often VERY sensitive, especially when there is an excessive amount of forward tilting of the pelvis, and imbalances between muscles in the hips and pelvis.

Due to this, we generally do not recommend foam rolling this area in a cold state.  The best options for warming the area up include:

  • Using a stationary bike for approx. 5 minutes
  • Applying heat pack for 10 minutes to the area
  • Rolling post-workout

These can dramatically reduce the sensitivity of the tissues and allow for a greater therapeutic effect and release.

As with all foam rolling, work in 2-4 inch segments, emphasize tender areas, and remember to breathe!

Sam Visnic Release Muscle Therapy Founder

Sam Visnic

I’ve spent my life studying the fundamental aspects of human health with a focus on movement and clinical massage therapy. In a world of specialists, surgical procedures, drugs and quick fix remedies, I’m committed to finding and developing strategies that help people stuck at the “gap”. Over the last 20 years I’ve studied dozens of systems and methodologies for uncovering the root cause of aches and pains, along with postural and movement issues. Pain science, the art and science of hands-on soft tissue massage techniques, myofascial release, and coaching movement is essential in my practice. Integrating different methods but above all deciphering WHEN to use different techniques with different people and situations, along with integration of movements that people want to be able to do again is the key to long term success with my incredible track record with clients. Understanding the various elements that contribute to conditions and the power of communication and education makes my Release Muscle Therapy program separate from other hands-on therapy approaches.