Best Gyms In Temecula CA

Table of Contents
Even though Temecula is a medium-sized city, it does offer a lot of gym and fitness center options. When I moved here, I was pleasantly surprised. Finding the best gyms in Temecula CA isn’t too difficult.
Temecula massage therapy is also available in the right places.
One of the best things about Temecula is generally how accessible things are, especially relative to Santa Monica! Everyone has different tastes when selecting a gym, so I’ve sorted them into 2 main categories: Big Box Gyms, and smaller, more “boutique” gym options.
When it comes to pricing, big box gyms just can’t be beat. Some are very low, in the $29/month range, but if you spend any time reading gym reviews, be sure to note which ones tend to have difficulty executing their cancellation procedures so that you don’t get charged extra payments if you choose to leave.
My suggestion is to document everything and stick it in a folder to save for later. You won’t regret it!
So, here are the best gyms in Temecula CA:
Big Box Gym Options
Located off Winchester Rd, Planet Fitness has a good reputation and tailors itself toward people that don’t like to be in a super aggressive gym environment.
Their big claim to fame is not allowing people to drop the weights or “grunt”. A lot of gym “meatheads” hate this policy, but frankly I don’t mind it because I find some people just get carried away with it, and it’s really unnecessary.
EOS is a clean gym atmosphere, and has a general standard selection of gym equipment along with a functional training area. Plenty of cardio, but as with other gyms in this category, can get quite busy in the morning and evening hours during primetime.
I can’t really say much about this gym that stands out. Simple, clean, easy!
Fitness 19 is very similar to EOS. It’s pretty standard fare when it comes to local big box gyms. If this is what you’re looking for in a Temecula gym, this is a good option and gets the job done.
UFC Gym is new to the area, only about a year old. They cater toward the more “fighting fitness” crowd and has a particular ambiance that is a bit more hardcore, but still relatively friendly.
If you like the mixed martial arts scene, this place is a good option for you.
Esporta is a step slightly above the EOS + Fitness 19 options. Generally nicer facility but my main gripe, which is a big one, is the accessibility issue with location. Its right next to the 15th north entrance off Temecula Parkway, and just thinking about driving over that way during peak traffic hours isn’t a pleasant thought!
Boutique Gyms In Temecula CA
The list in this section can get pretty long, so I want to just highlight a few good local gyms and what they focus on. For the most part, smaller gyms are more intimate and community-based.
This is one of the most appealing parts of this gym experience. If you want to know the core values of the owner, what they stand for, and have relationships with the people you train with, smaller gyms are a great option for you.
In addition, smaller gyms are more instructional and results-based. When you go to a big-box gym, unless you hire a personal trainer, or take a class, you’re essentially on your own. Some people love that, but others don’t.
Boombox is your local Crossfit-style training facility. If you’re into these style workouts, you’ll feel at home at this facility and get great coaching with an assortment of fitness tools.
Beardown is a Temecula gym that has a very upgraded feel as far as local boutique gyms. The owner keeps the facility fresh with new equipment and the gym has a real ‘systematic’ flow-feeling to it. Like everything is planned well. Good place to check out.
Orangetheory is a more standard franchise that focuses on HIT-style workouts. They are always an option if you like the “get in and get it done and measure it” mentality. While this isn’t for everyone, personally I like this style when I’m just busy and want to get it done.
This bootcamp style workout in Temecula is large group focused, and really is a great option for individuals that like training in groups, need that extra motivation from high energy instructors, and just want to feel like they accomplish a challenging workout every session.
Conclusion To The Best Gyms In Temecula CA
Choosing a gym can seem like a daunting task, but it can be made easy when you identify the most important aspects of the gym experience you’re looking for. Then you can reference the list above and see what checks off all the boxes!
Sam Visnic
I’ve spent my life studying the fundamental aspects of human health with a focus on movement and clinical massage therapy. In a world of specialists, surgical procedures, drugs and quick fix remedies, I’m committed to finding and developing strategies that help people stuck at the “gap”. Over the last 20 years I’ve studied dozens of systems and methodologies for uncovering the root cause of aches and pains, along with postural and movement issues. Pain science, the art and science of hands-on soft tissue massage techniques, myofascial release, and coaching movement is essential in my practice. Integrating different methods but above all deciphering WHEN to use different techniques with different people and situations, along with integration of movements that people want to be able to do again is the key to long term success with my incredible track record with clients. Understanding the various elements that contribute to conditions and the power of communication and education makes my Release Muscle Therapy program separate from other hands-on therapy approaches.
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