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10 Lower Ab Exercises That Actually Work


10 Lower Ab Exercises That Actually Work

Are you looking for an effective way to strengthen and “tone” your lower abdominal muscles? Have you tried endless exercises without seeing any real results or just making you feel only your upper abs? You’re not alone!

10 Lower Ab Exercises That Actually Work

Many people struggle to find lower ab exercises that actually work. Thankfully, we have the solution – there are 10 lower ab exercises that can help you finally reach your fitness goals. So, what are you waiting for?

Let’s get started!

We all know that having a strong core is essential to leading a healthy lifestyle, yet it can sometimes be difficult to find exercises that really target the lower abdominal area. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of exercises designed specifically to strengthen and define this crucial muscle group.

From planks and crunches to mountain climbers and leg lifts, these moves will give you the look you desire in no time.

Read on for 10 lower ab exercises that will transform your midsection.

What Are Lower Abdominals?

The lower abs, otherwise known as the lower portion of the rectus abdominis and obliques, are the muscles located in the lower stomach area, roughly belly button level-down. They are responsible for helping maintain good posture, support your back and spine, and stabilize your core.

Before we go further, we should clarify something. The upper and lower abdominals are NOT 2 separate muscle groups. They both work together, but we can distinguish between initiating movements from the upper body, and the pelvis. You will definitely feel a difference between these 2 actions. It’s the muscle fibers toward the bottom, the pelvis, that we are referring to as “lower abs”.

Lower abdominal exercises can be done without any special equipment or a gym membership. Many of these exercises focus on strengthening and targeting the lower abs while also engaging other muscle groups like the hip flexors and quadriceps.

A few examples of these exercises include crunches, planks, leg raises, bicycles, v-ups and mountain climbers.

Having strong lower abs is an important part of overall health and wellness. With regular practice of these exercises you can start to see results in as little as four weeks.

To make sure that you’re getting the most out of your workouts it’s important to remain consistent with training them so that you continue to see progress over time.

This brings us to our next question: How often should I perform lower ab exercises?

How Often Should I Perform Lower Ab Exercises?

Generally speaking, most people don’t exercise their abominals with the right exercises and frequency to make a difference.

If you want to get results quickly from lower ab exercises, it is important to remain consistent and focus on proper form and technique. Aim for performing two or three sets of your chosen exercises two or three times a week. (They can be done more frequently, as long as the intensity is low.)

This will ensure that your muscles receive the necessary amount of stimulus while also allowing time for rest and recovery between workouts.

It is also important to make sure that you’re getting adequate nutrition in order to fuel your workouts and maximize results. If your energy is low and you’re just not feeling it, then your workouts are going to suffer.

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables will help provide your body with the energy it needs to complete each exercise session successfully.

In addition to fueling up properly, it’s also essential that you stay hydrated during your workouts as dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased performance.

With these tips in mind, let’s move on to discussing what risks or safety considerations you should be aware of when doing lower ab exercises.

What Risks Or Safety Considerations Should You Be Aware Of When Doing Lower Ab Exercises?

When performing any type of exercise, it is essential to maintain proper form. This not only helps you to get the most out of the exercise, but also prevents injury.

When doing lower ab exercises, make sure that you are engaging your core and focusing on the quality of the muscle contraction.

This will help ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles and getting the most out of each move.

Additionally, it is important to choose effective lower ab exercises in order to maximize results. Traditional exercises such as leg raises, hanging knee ups, and side bends can all be effective for strengthening your lower abs when done correctly. You really don’t have to get too fancy.

However, some people find these moves too difficult or too easy depending on their fitness level and body type. If this is the case for you, there are plenty of other options available to fit your needs.

Finally, it’s important to listen to your body and take breaks if necessary while performing lower ab exercises. If an exercise causes discomfort or lower back pain in any way, stop immediately and consult with a doctor before continuing with the workout routine.

Taking these precautions will help ensure that you get the most out of your workouts safely and effectively.

With these tips in mind, let’s move on to discussing why is it important to strengthen your lower abs.

Why Is It Important To Strengthen Your Lower Abs?

Strengthening your lower abdominals is an important part of overall fitness and core strength. The lower abs are responsible for stabilizing the spine, pelvis, and hips, and helping to provide balance during everyday activities, and creating a strong foundation for other exercises.

Having strong lower abs can also help with posture, as well as preventing back pain caused by weak abdominal muscles.

Incorporating regular lower ab exercises into your core training routine is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With the right moves and proper form, you can effectively strengthen your core and reap the many benefits that come along with it!

Now let’s move on to discussing how to do some of the most effective lower abdominal exercises, starting with a slider knee tuck.

Slider Knee Tuck

The slider knee tuck is an effective lower ab exercise that can give you a great challenge no matter if you’re a beginner or advanced trainee.

To perform this move, begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Place a slider underneath each foot, then slowly raise your hips off the ground, extending your legs straight out so that they are parallel to the floor. Engage your core and pull your knees into your chest while keeping them bent.

Then slowly slide both feet away from you as far as you can go before returning them back to their original position near your hips. Repeat this motion for 10-15 reps before taking a break and repeating 2-3 more times.

This move is a great way to engage and target those hard-to-reach lower abdominals without putting extra strain on other parts of the body. Additionally, it’s low-impact yet still highly effective in building strength in the core area.

Not only does it work those deeper muscles that are often neglected during traditional ab exercises, but it also helps with balance and stability as well.

Overall, the slider knee tuck is an excellent workout for targeting those stubborn lower abs while building overall strength and stability throughout the body.

From here, we will move on to discussing how to do reverse crunches – another great exercise for strengthening those lower ab muscles!

Reverse Crunches

Reverse crunches are another highly effective exercise for targeting the lower abdominals. To perform this move, begin by lying on your back with your hands at your sides and legs bent at a 90-degree angle.

Engage your core and slowly lift both feet off the floor, bringing them towards your head until they are perpendicular to the ground. Then lower them back down without touching the ground before repeating for up to 10-15 reps.

While reverse crunches are an excellent way to strengthen the lower abs, it’s important to make sure you’re performing them correctly in order to get the most out of each rep.

You should be careful not to overarch your back while doing this move, as this can strain or trigger the muscles in your lower back to guard and spasm.

Additionally, focus on keeping your ribs down throughout each rep in order to maximize its effectiveness.

Now that we’ve covered how to do reverse crunches let’s move on to discussing hanging leg raises – another great exercise.

Hanging Leg Raises

This intense move will have your abs burning in no time! To perform this exercise, begin by using an overhand grip on a bar (or other secure object) with your legs extended and hanging down a few inches below. You can alternatively use a pair of ab straps if your grip isn’t ready for the bar-hang version.

While keeping your core tight and back straight, use your lower abdominal muscles to slowly raise both legs as close as you can towards your chest without swinging. Hold this pose for one second (if possible!) before lowering back down with control.

Aim to work up eventually to 10-15 reps per set but you can always add more depending on how advanced you are in your fitness journey.

Hanging leg raises may seem intimidating at first however, with proper form and technique, anyone can do them safely and effectively. Make sure to keep your body rigid throughout the entire movement so that you don’t swing or arch your back.

Additionally, focus on squeezing those abdominal muscles with each rep to ensure that they’re doing all the work and not just your hip flexors.

Finally – remember to take it slow and steady! It’s important that you don’t rush through each rep or try to lift too quickly as this could cause strain in the lower back area.

So there you have it – hanging leg raises are an intense yet effective way to target those tough-to-reach lower abs for a strong looking torso!

Now let’s move on to discussing double leg lifts – another great exercise for sculpting those stubborn lower abdominals!

Double Leg Lifts

This move requires less stability and strength than the hanging leg raise, so it can be a good substitute. To perform this exercise, begin by lying flat on your back with your legs extended straight out in front of you.

From here, engage your core and slowly raise both legs up towards the ceiling until they are at a 90 degree angle from the floor. Hold this position for one second before lowering back down with control – keeping your legs as straight as possible throughout the entire movement.

Aim for 10-15 reps per set or add more if you feel like a challenge!

Similar to hanging leg raises, double leg lifts require proper form and technique in order to avoid any risk of injury or strain. Make sure that you keep your core tight throughout the entire movement so that it’s doing all the work and not any other part of your body.

Additionally, focus on keeping both legs as straight as possible when raising them up towards the ceiling – this will help ensure that you get the most out of each rep and properly target those lower abs!

Double leg lifts will have your lower abdominal muscles burning in no time – so don’t forget to take things slow at first until you master proper form and technique. Now let’s move on to talking about pike plank – an intense move that’s perfect for sculpting those stubborn lower abs!

Pike Plank

It is often referred to as the “pike position”, which is essentially a more challenging variation of a standard plank.

This move requires strength and stability, but with practice it will become much easier. To perform this exercise, begin by getting into a plank position on the ground – making sure that your feet are hip-width apart and your arms are extended straight out in front of you.

From here, shift your body up into a pike position – that is, bring your hips up towards the sky while keeping your core muscles tight and engaged. Your hands should remain firmly planted on the floor; do not let them move or give way!

Hold this position for one second before slowly lowering back down to the start position – maintaining proper form throughout the entire movement. Aim for 10-15 reps per set or add more if you feel like taking it up a notch!

With consistent practice, this exercise will become much easier and you’ll be able to really feel those lower abs working with each rep.

Now let’s talk about bicycle crunch – another great lower ab exercise that packs a punch!

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are another classic and effective abdominal training movement. This exercise is a variation of crunches, but with an added twist!

To begin, lie flat on your back and bring your hands behind your head – be sure not to pull on your neck as this can cause injury.

From here, lift your legs off the ground and bring them towards your chest. Hold your hips and knees at a 90 degree angle.

Now, twist at the waist in order to bring one elbow towards the opposite knee while straightening out the other leg. Hold this position for one second before returning back to starting position and switching sides.

Aim for 10-15 reps per set or more if you’re got the endurance.

Next up is stability ball knee tucks – another excellent lower ab exercise!

Stability Ball Knee Tucks

As the name suggests, this exercise involves using a stability ball to perform a tuck motion with your legs.

To get started, place your hands on the floor and both feet on the swiss ball.

From here, while maintaining abdominal muscle tension, bring your knees toward your chest while maintaining control over the movement and keeping your torso parallel to the ground.

Hold this position for one second before returning back to starting position (remember to slowly lower). Aim for 10-15 reps per set and make sure to keep an eye on proper form throughout!

Stability ball exercises are an excellent addition to any lower ab workout because they add some additional deep abdominal muscle recruitment such as the transverse abdominus.

Next up is a popular movement called mountain climbers – another killer conditioning exercise!

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a great full body exercise that can really get your heart rate up! Start in the plank position with arms straight and shoulder blades down. From here, bring your left knee up towards your chest while keeping the rest of your body as still as possible.

Make sure to keep your abs tight throughout the exercise. Now switch legs, bringing your right knee up towards your chest and returning to starting position. Aim for 10-15 reps per set on each side, focusing on form over speed.

Mountain climbers are an effective way to target multiple muscle groups at once, including core, glutes, quads and arms. Not only will this exercise get you sweating in no time – it will also help build strength and endurance across the entire body.

As you progress through the sets, challenge yourself by increasing speed or adding weights for an extra boost.

Let’s move on to high plank pull-throughs – another great ab burner.

High Plank Pull-Through

For those looking to target their upper body and core muscles together, high plank pull-throughs are an excellent exercise option. This dynamic move requires you to be in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your core engaged.

Start by bringing one arm back, while keeping your shoulder blades down and together.

Then, reach the arm up and over the opposite side of your body, as if you were trying to touch the floor on the other side. Keep alternating arms for 10-15 reps per set.

High plank pull-throughs are a great way to work on strengthening your shoulders and stabilizing your core muscles at the same time.

Additionally, try adding weights or resistance bands for an extra challenge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Specific Diet Or Nutrition Considerations I Should Keep In Mind?

When it comes to seeing more of the lower abs, nutrition is an essential consideration. You can have the best abdominals the world has ever known, but it won’t matter if you can’t see them under a thick layer of bodyfat.

Eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet can help support your efforts in shedding the fat to actually seeing your abs (but even more so as it contributes to helping lose weight).

It’s important to eat lean proteins such as fish and poultry, and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables in your meals for added fiber and vitamins. Additionally, drinking plenty of water throughout the day will keep you hydrated so you can maximize your fat loss and fuel your workouts.

Keeping an eye on portion sizes is also key in balancing your appetite and keeping caloric intake to optimal levels.

Supplements such as protein powder may be beneficial depending on individual nutritional needs. However, it’s always best to speak with a doctor or registered dietitian before adding any supplements into your routine.

By following these nutrition tips and keeping track of what you eat, you’ll be able to achieve the lower ab results you’re looking for.

How Can I Prevent Overworking Or Straining My Lower Abs?

When it comes to lower ab exercises, it’s important to take steps to prevent overworking or straining of the abdominal muscles. This type of injury can be very painful and set back your progress significantly.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to ensure your lower abs remain healthy and strong.

Make sure you don’t start with a ton of sets and or intensity when you first begin training your abs. A little goes a long way. You can always build up over weeks and even months as your training level improves.

When performing lower ab exercises, aim for two or three sets of 10-15 repetitions with one minute of rest in between each set.

It’s also important to ensure you’re getting enough rest between workouts. The harder you train the less frequent you can train. As mentioned earlier in the article, you can train your abs daily, but the intensity needs to be lower.

Following these tips will help ensure your lower abs stay healthy and strong as you work towards achieving your fitness goals. Paying attention to proper form, taking adequate rest breaks, and choosing appropriate exercises are all key components of a successful abdominal workout routine.

What Is The Best Way To Warm-Up Before Performing Lower Ab Exercises?

Warming up helps to ensure that muscles are properly prepared for the upcoming physical activity, which can help to prevent injury and improve performance. But what is the best way to warm-up before performing lower ab exercises?

Research suggests that dynamic stretching may be most beneficial for warming-up prior to exercising. Dynamic stretching involves controlled movements through a range of motion, such as standing leg swings or high knee jogs.

This type of stretching helps to increase blood flow and lubricate joints, while also activating muscles in a way that prepares them for exercise. Static stretching, while still beneficial, may not be as effective as dynamic stretching when it comes to preparing muscles for exercise.

Therefore, when it comes time to work your lower abs, consider engaging in some dynamic stretches beforehand. Not only can this help you perform your exercises safely and effectively, but it can also help you feel more energized throughout your workout!

How Quickly Can I Expect To See Results From Lower Ab Exercises?

Many people want to know how quickly they can expect to see results from lower ab exercises. This is a valid question, as it’s important to understand the timeline of your commitment when you start any kind of exercise program.

The answer depends on a few factors such as your current fitness level, the intensity and frequency of your workouts, and how well you stick with your program.

It’s important to note that even if you do lower ab exercises regularly, it will take time before you see any visible changes in your midsection. It may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks before you start noticing improvements in the strength and definition of your lower abs.

Additionally, it takes dedication and consistency to maintain these results over time.

That said, there are steps that can be taken to maximize the effectiveness of lower ab exercises and help speed up the process.

Eating healthy foods, reducing caloric intake (if you need to lose bodyfat) and getting enough sleep are essential for keeping up energy levels during workouts and aiding in muscle recovery afterward.

In addition, increasing the intensity or frequency of workouts over time can help accelerate progress towards reaching desired goals.


It’s clear that lower ab exercises can be incredibly beneficial, but it’s also important to approach them with a PLAN.

Keep these tips in mind when performing any kind of ab training program, and soon you’ll be on your way to having the strong lower core that you’re after!

Sam Visnic Release Muscle Therapy Founder

Sam Visnic

I’ve spent my life studying the fundamental aspects of human health with a focus on movement and clinical massage therapy. In a world of specialists, surgical procedures, drugs and quick fix remedies, I’m committed to finding and developing strategies that help people stuck at the “gap”. Over the last 20 years I’ve studied dozens of systems and methodologies for uncovering the root cause of aches and pains, along with postural and movement issues. Pain science, the art and science of hands-on soft tissue massage techniques, myofascial release, and coaching movement is essential in my practice. Integrating different methods but above all deciphering WHEN to use different techniques with different people and situations, along with integration of movements that people want to be able to do again is the key to long term success with my incredible track record with clients. Understanding the various elements that contribute to conditions and the power of communication and education makes my Release Muscle Therapy program separate from other hands-on therapy approaches.