Resolve Your
TMJ Pain
-Complete Evaluation
-No Spinal Manipulation
-Painless Massage Techniques
-Home Exercise Program
Resolve Your
TMJ Pain
-Complete Evaluation
-No Spinal Manipulation
-Painless Massage Techniques
-Home Exercise Program
Dealing With Ongoing TMJ Pain, Jaw Tension, Or Headaches?
Experiencing jaw pain can be really challenging, especially when the constant tension is associated with clicking or popping, as well as neck tightness.
Chronic TMJ issues can contribute to a lot of other problems as well, such as tension headaches, and neck pain.
While there are many possible contributing factors to TMJ pain, muscular tension and imbalances are a common feature. By addressing these muscle tension patterns, you can free yourself from recurring pain.
Restore Muscle Balance And Relieve Pain
Your body is meant to have balance in the muscles on each side. The ratio of tension, when balanced, minimizes joint stress and muscular effort at rest. TMJ is a whole-body-posture issue.
When this balance is disturbed, overworked muscles ache and can develop overly sensitive pressure points (called trigger points) that can contribute to consistent pain.
With the proper therapy, normal balance can be restored and pain relieved naturally and safely.
Is This The Same As Chiropractic?
No! Chiropractic focuses on manipulation of the joints to create changes.
There "can" be some changes in the muscles as a result of chiropractic manipulation, more often than not muscles need to be released separately. In addition, muscles must re-learn how to work through movement therapy.
Spinal adjustments do not accomplish this, which is often why it doesn't work for many people with TMJ pain. The problem isn't always associated to the joint itself.
Our process addresses the underlying muscle balance patterns that contribute to chronic jaw tension, and addresses them by using techniques that restore normal muscle tone without spinal manipulation.
Read My Reviews
Sample TMJ Massage Therapy Protocol
*Not in the area? See my online programs HERE!
*New post on TMJ massage tools.