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Voodoo Floss Elbow: How To Release

Mobility wrap (also known as “Voodoo Floss”) techniques can be extremely helpful as “catch all” therapy to address various issues. I find it extremely helpful for nagging issues such as elbow tweaks and also tendinitis relief.

In this article I’ll show you how to apply the voodoo floss to the elbow. This technique is different from how to wrap an elbow with traditional athletic tape or kinesiotape, and the results are different, so be sure to ask your healthcare provider if it is appropriate for you before trying it!

Step 1: How to start the wrap

Getting the wrap started is often the toughest part. You want to make sure the first wrap around is tight so that it doesn’t unravel as you get it going.

Place the wrap around your upper forearm, then pin your arm to your stomach to hold it in place as you pull tension in the wrap to cover the loose end.

Step 2: Hold the wrap on your knee to reposition

Hold the wrap down on your knee by pressing down with your elbow. Then, you can reposition your hand without the wrap unravelling. (You will do this every time you perform a wrap around in order to maintain the tension).

The goal tension of the tape should be around a 5-6 on a 10 scale in terms of max tension. You should easily be able to keep it on for 90 seconds to 2 minutes max with very little discomfort.

WARNING: Do NOT put too much tension on the band! This does not in any way make it more effective, and may cause injury!

Step 3: Continue wrapping with 50% overlap

Continue wrapping the tape around the arm moving toward the elbow and over the top with approximately a 50% overlap every round.

Avoid bending the elbow too much when wrapping directly over the elbow, or you’ll lose the quality of the placement.

When you reach the end of the tape, tuck the end into the last 1-3 layers of tape so that it stays put.

Step 4: Move elbow and arm in a variety of positions for 90 seconds

Once the tape is firmly in place, begin moving the elbow and arm around in various positions (remember your biceps and triceps attach to your shoulder so move everything!).

Perform this varied movements for roughly 90 seconds to up to 2 minutes max (depending on how much tension you have on the tape) or if you feel discomfort, take it off sooner.

Step 5: After 90 seconds to 2 minutes, unravel the band and test

After 90 seconds to 2 minutes, unravel the band and move your arm around. Test any previously restricted movements and/or painful ranges of motion.

You should notice improvement ranging from minor to often dramatic!

Voodoo Floss Elbow: How To Release – Demonstration Video