Finally Get Your Life Back From Chronic SI Joint Pain With A Scientifically Designed Movement Program!

Tired of SI Joint Pain ?

In as little as 15 minutes per day, you can get relief, save thousands of dollars, and free yourself from the fear of having pain for the rest of your life…

I know, I know, if I was reading such a claim on someone else’s website I’d be skeptical too, but it is the absolute truth, and if you suspend your disbelief for just a moment, I’ll show you how you can possibly be pain-free in a matter of days, without surgery, spinal injections, or any kind of B.S. gimmicks

What Our Happy Patients Have to Say

Not only did I avoid the surgery, but I eliminated a persistent back pain I thought I'd have for the rest of my life.

Amber T

It was difficult to walk, sit, brush my teeth, I could barely put on a sock. I went to physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractors, pain management, eastern healing, nothing was sustaining-until I met Sam. He is a magician!

Monica L.

Office Worker
Sam is the only person I have seen who has been able to get my back out of pain and keep it out of pain.

John Shafer


Ready to try the amazing system that’s changing the lives of SI Joint pain sufferers around the world?

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

You and I both know that life with back pain is extremely painful, frustrating, and debilitating.


Sometimes the pain may be so exhausting that despite being tempted to go outside on a perfect sunny day and play with your kids, spend time with your friends, and just do the things you love…you are forced to stay inside because you know that you will “pay the price” for it later in the day…and you remain locked up inside on the couch and depressed.


And the worst thing is…”rest” alone does not always help relieve even the minor aches, because staying in bed and resting only makes the pain worse. It’s a vicious cycle that robs you of your life and leaves you stuck inside your own house, in pain.


And if your suffer from chronic pain, then you have certainly been through the ringer, hopelessly seeking and failing to find effective help.


After wasting thousands of dollars on doctors who receive little to no training on how to diagnose or even treat most sacroiliac joint problems…and spending hours in a waiting room for a 15 minute visit…you probably left that office with 2 slips in your hand; 1 is a prescription for painkillers or muscle relaxers, the other is a referral to a ‘Specialist'....yet your SI joint issue persists.


You may even wonder if…


No, of course not.


And if you’ve gotten little or no pain relief from your primary doctor, you’re not alone…And while it is of no fault of your own…it’s not entirely their fault either!!!


You see, it’s not that your doctor won’t try to help you – in most cases, they do everything they know how to do. The problem is that when it comes to CHRONIC back pain, their knowledge is limited; traditional western medicine just doesn’t have a good track record.


So what’s the result? Many patients, possibly you too, switch in vain from doctor to doctor, but do not find any relief. Some patients get temporary relief from alternative medicine treatments, but that relief is often short-lived.


This is because the source of the pain still remains elusive and unaddressed.


You may be wondering…



The sad truth is doctors, both traditional western practitioners and even alternative care providers – with all their good intentions – got it all wrong!


What exactly are they doing wrong?


The answer is simple – most SI joint therapies address the symptoms and not the underlying problem. And as you can probably guess, the result of any approach that only addresses symptoms will be temporary relief at best.


Muscle relaxants, pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, injections, massages, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture needles, ice, heat, and muscle stim all simply mask the underlying issues.


Physical therapy might help for a while – it might even stop the “flare up” altogether…but in most cases the symptoms reappear over time.


So you end up running out of options...and are having to potentially face back surgery...BUT...


back surgery alternatives santa monica

It's been traditionally thought that back surgery should absolutely be the LAST option.  All conservative methods should be tried first.  New thinking and research is showing more and more this isn't the solution either.  The statistics on back surgery outcomes are far from impressive, and are enough to make anyone think twice about them.   


"Spinal fusion surgery, for instance: Involving the removal of worn-out or injured discs, then the fusing together of the vertebrae above and below that disc with metal screws and cages, this is the form of elective surgery that people spend the most on in the US, costing a total of $40 billion per year. The problem is, it rarely works. The procedure, with a price tag averaging $80,000, has a success rate of about 35%."


Surgery can make your back pain worse, too. Here’s another dismal statistic: according to Spine Magazine, 67% of low back surgeries are WORSE after surgery. 2/3 of patients are in MORE pain – not less – after going under the knife!




At this point you are probably wondering…


In short, the answer to this question is a resounding yes! There is a more holistic, integrated  method for sacroiliac joint dysfunction that has been successful in helping 90% of qualified candidates who’ve tried it.


I’ve been practicing clinical massage therapy (specialty in neuromuscular techniques) and corrective exercise kinesiology for going on 18 years, and for the first time have been able to present this new revolutionary approach to restoring health to the sacroiliac joints in my comprehensive step-by-step video self-corrective exercise program called The SI Joint Solution.


It is the program many others refer to as a “miraculous" success at helping people with SI joint issues.”


Now, I don’t know about all that, but before we go any further, you should know that…


No matter what’s causing your sacroiliac joint imbalances…you should know the SI Joint Solution method you are about to discover has already likely helped someone in your situation!!


Here is what others say about my approach...

As a full time web designer I often spend too many hours sitting behind the PC which led to chronic back pain. I started working with Sam a few years ago and his knowledge and insight helped me to alleviate my back pain issues and even improve my posture. Whenever I start to have back pain issues I just re-implement the tools and techniques he showed to me and in no time my back pain goes away. He really is the back pain specialist!

Jimmy Powell

Web Developer
I had visited famous doctors with no relief. I was diagnosed with 3 bulging discs and scoliosis. A well known orthopedic surgeon told me I could have back surgery with the 50/50 chance that I would get better. When I refused the surgery, he told me to get a wheelchair and to change my lifestyle! I worked with Sam for 3 months on a corrective exercise program and made some dramatic changes in my diet and lifestyle. Sam’s charismatic personality kept me focused on what I wanted and before the end of 10 weeks, I was pain free!

Karen G.

Yoga + Pilates Instructor

Santa Monica Massage Therapy - Release Muscle Therapy


The SI Joint Solution is the latest therapeutic program available, which uses an integrated approach.


It takes into account your entire human being – all of your systems – not just your pain and the small area of your body where it seems to be occurring. New studies conclusively show that your diet, the stress of everyday life, and even how you sit at your computer and brush your teeth can affect your levels of sensitivity to pain.


It may sound crazy, but when you think about it, it all makes sense; the little things add up.

All of these factors need to be taken into account when planning an approach to alleviating your pain.


What you eat can truly affect how much inflammation is in your body… how you sit while in your office at work can put additional stress on your muscles. Even how stressed out you get when your boss gives you more than you can handle – all of these, and many other factors, affect how quickly you can resolve your SI joint issues.


And it is equally important to consider your activity levels.


A major component of the new approach to pain relief is that reducing movement-fear and getting back to regular activities can deliver profound and long-lasting relief from sacroiliac joint pain. need to know where to start and how to progress them so you feel confident you're on the right track.


In short, watch, and follow simple instructions in the SI Joint Solution. It is the most effective and the most comprehensive corrective movement program on the market today.


The SI Joint Solution is designed to help you take charge of your own health and restore health and function to your sacroiliac joints in the comfort of your own home. When your get access to the program, just log in, and you will immediately learn…

  • An integrated approach to lasting SI joint relief – so you heal faster and better …without just masking the true problem

  • A detailed system anyone can follow at home

  • 8-Phase progressive program to take you from beginner to advanced exercises effortlessly

  • Stronger, healthier body – and more energy as an added bonus to your pain free back

  • Flexibility – do the exercises in the comfort of your own home – no doctor’s appointment required

  • Precise instructions and step-by-step videos showing corrective stretches and exercises that are tailored specifically toward SI joint imbalance

  • Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to speed the healing process

  • Stress reduction strategies to incorporate into your daily regimen – reduce the chances of “flare ups” and irritation to your back

  • The six “Don’ts” of lifting and bending… by avoiding these six things you will avoid painful and dangerous injuries

In short, watch, and follow simple instructions in the SI Joint Solution. It is the most effective and the most comprehensive corrective movement program on the market today.


The SI Joint Solution is designed to help you take charge of your own health and restore health and function to your sacroiliac joints in the comfort of your own home. When your get access to the program, just log in, and you will immediately learn…

Ready to try the amazing system that’s changing the lives of SI Joint pain sufferers around the world?

You’ll have the entire system in your hands immediately, ready to dramatically restore balance to your SI joints and get you on the right track.

You get in and immediately tap into my proven cutting-edge scientific information on sacroiliac joint pain relief and corrective exercises you’ve ever seen. (But listen, this stuff is laid out easy. No confusion. No taking hours to figure out.)

Your complete access includes:

Step 1:


These videos cover the essentials of your corrective movement plan...including how to use the system, why it works and what to do first to get started right away.

Step 2:


Restoring position and mobility of the pelvis and lower back is essential for optimal function and health.  I'll walk you through the most important mobilizations.

Step 3:


Each movement is spelled out in simple to follow video clips with precise instructions so you can get the maximum value out of each. 

Step 4:


These cover the essentials of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle that supports optimal SI joint health and function.  


Unfortunately, there are plenty of times when back pain is not simply caused by movement and muscle imbalances. Some people need medical help, treatments, physical therapy supervision, and sometimes surgery. These are all situations in which my offerings are NOT right for you. If you have any of the following issues, or have not seen a doctor about your back pain, you need to.

  • Haven’t been cleared by a medical doctor to participate in an exercise or nutrition program

  • Haven’t completed or been discharged by physical therapy/therapist

  • Severe Guarding of Movement

  • Loss of Feeling

  • Significant Levels of Pain

  • Organ Pain

  • Bowel or Bladder Dysfunction

  • Night Pain


By now you’re excited over the fact that you’ve finally found a genuine, cutting-edge solution to your problems. You’re finally going to have the freedom of mobility, pain-free and vibrant lifestyle.


And do I believe The SI Joint Solutions contains the best route for pain-free lifestyle for anyone suffering from mild to chronic SI joint issues? Yes I do. No doubt.




Let me be clear!!!


There is no way I can know what you will do, or how serious you are about freeing yourself from SI joint pain. Just because others get results with this program, that alone is not a guarantee that you will. I’m saying that boldly and in big print so there is no misunderstanding.


After all, we all know people who have purchased a great program for one purpose or another, but never followed it…


And, lets be perfectly honest here…If you are they type of person who is flat out lazy, is known as a quitter and a whiner, and believes you’re still suffering from pain because someone other than you has not “understood your problem,” or did not “fix” you yet – then this is NOT for you. People who fail to take personal responsibility in life never amount to much, and almost without exception are stuck with the same problems for years. That’s just a fact.


However, if you are the type person who knows your health rests in your hands, then let me place The SI Joint Solution in those hands today.


Until you give this program a try, you’ll never know how well you can actually feel again, with SI joint problems in the past, gone and mobility returned. (And if you don’t you’ll always have that nagging thought about how good you would have felt now if you had taken a small step.)


So just say, “Ok.”


The SI Joint Solution comes with a 100% guarantee. You have a full 14 days to try every test, follow every advice, and do every exercise before deciding whether you want to keep it.


You can keep making all the excuses you want about not getting your body back on track and living pain-free.


You can keep going to different doctors and taking those band-aid fixes.


You can have all the good intentions you want about how “this time will be different” as you limp after the next back-pain-relieving gadget down a rabbit hole.




You can follow a simple, proven model that restores function and strength to your lower back and SI joints and let’s you live your life as well.


The choice is yours.


Personally, I spent too many years of my practice trying the “next great thing” in the effort to find better and more effective solutions for my clients. No gadget, no pill, and no wishful thinking ever relieved the back pain suffering for a single client. But with The SI Joint Solution you get everything you need. Nothing will be confusing or complicated.


You may not find relief on the 1st day, or in some instances even the 1st week – but just remember that you will find relief. This is a program based on scientific fact and works to an amazing degree with my personal clients. It’s the very same one I use in my office in Santa Monica, CA. Don’t give up! You will find relief!

As a full time web designer I often spend too many hours sitting behind the PC which led to chronic back pain. I started working with Sam a few years ago and his knowledge and insight helped me to alleviate my back pain issues and even improve my posture. Whenever I start to have back pain issues I just re-implement the tools and techniques he showed to me and in no time my back pain goes away. He really is the back pain specialist!

Jimmy Powel

Web Developer
I had visited famous doctors with no relief. I was diagnosed with 3 bulging discs and scoliosis. A well known orthopedic surgeon told me I could have back surgery with the 50/50 chance that I would get better. When I refused the surgery, he told me to get a wheelchair and to change my lifestyle! I worked with Sam for 3 months on a corrective exercise program and made some dramatic changes in my diet and lifestyle. Sam’s charismatic personality kept me focused on what I wanted and before the end of 10 weeks, I was pain free!

Karen G.

Yoga + Pilates Instructor
After battling lower back pain for almost two years, visiting multiple doctors, physical therapists and personal trainers, I was referred to Sam Visnic by a friend. Within six month’s of working with Sam and his “SI Joint Solution” system, I was doing things I had not done in years. Plus, I finally understood what was causing my pain. I have complete confidence that whatever pain I may experience in the future, Sam will be able to help me conquer it and continue my active lifestyle.

Justin V

Professional Dog Trainer

Ready to try the amazing system that’s changing the lives of SI Joint pain sufferers around the world?


It seems to me that it would be fair to pay five figures. I mean, we spend more than $1,000 dollars just on some doctor-prescribed tests that get us zero results, and we spend thousands over the years going to therapies and massages in the hopes of even a temporary relief…while the SI Joint Solution system you could be holding in your hands now aims to achieve rapid improvement in your SI joint health.


Plus, once you start on the exercise system included in this program, you can do it over and over again.


And if you have been on any email lists for back sufferers lately, you’ve noticed that the average going rate for a comprehensive at-home back strengthening program is between $100 and $500 (and they not remotely as effective as this one).


Sigh. Those things are not just expensive they are LOST when it comes to addressing the ROOT CAUSES of your sacroiliac joint pain.

Sam Visnic CMT, CES

"I've spent the last 16 years studying the fundamental aspects of human health with a focus on movement and clinical massage therapy."

Pain science, the art and science of hands-on soft tissue massage techniques, and coaching movement is essential in my practice.

Integrating different methods but above all deciphering WHEN to use different techniques with different people and situations, along with integration of movements that people want to be able to do again is the key to long term success and my incredible track record with clients.


Understanding the various elements that contribute to conditions and the power of communication and education makes my approach separate from other hands-on therapy approaches.

P.S. You have nothing to lose. The SI Joint Solution is 100% guaranteed to your satisfaction or I will refund you completely. Best of all, you get immediate access to the videos and you’ll experience for yourself just how well is program works. So if you think I’m lying (or inflating the truth even 1%), just let me know within the first 14 days and you’ll get a full refund.


P.P.S. Just so you know, I’m a REAL person and I really do run a LIVE practice inside of a private health facility. Here is my address:


Visnic Center For Integrated Health
Release Muscle Therapy
1810 14th St. #212
Santa Monica, CA 90404



Please read my disclaimer: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that I identify what a typical result is. The truth: some people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. However, assuming that you actually apply the techniques and strategies in my system, including all of the exercises, I expect your results to be anything but typical. Bottom line: results vary from person to person based on a variety of factors. You are not guaranteed to obtain the same results as the individuals in the above testimonials, just because you purchase our system… YOU are the most important variable.