Release Muscle Therapy, located near Fallbrook, CA, offers Myofascial Release to help reduce chronic pain and tension. With 20 years of experience and an outstanding track record of success, I am focused on getting to the root of the problem. I use a combination of massage therapy and corrective exercise to provide optimal results for our clients. My core values are being evidence-based, empowerment, and wellness, and we strive to create an atmosphere that allows you to feel comfortable and safe. Contact us today to find out how Myofascial Release can help you achieve lasting relief from your chronic pain.

Unlock the root of your pain with Release Muscle Therapy. Experience relaxation, empowerment, and wellness today!


Myofascial Release Massage Therapy in Fallbrook, CA

Empower Yourself with Myofascial Release at Release Muscle Therapy near Fallbrook, CA

Are you looking for a massage therapy practice that will help you regain control of your physical health? At Release Muscle Therapy near Fallbrook, CA, I understand the importance of feeling empowered when it comes to taking care of your body. I provide thorough and specific work, giving each individual the attention they need to reach their personal goals.

I offer different types of myofascial release services, including trigger point and structural integration treatments. All sessions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of their experience. I believe in educating and empowering my clients so they can make informed decisions about their own wellbeing. With me, you’re not just receiving a massage – you’re investing in yourself.


Q: What is Myofascial Release?

A: Myofascial Release is a massage technique that uses applied pressure and stretching to reduce pain, release tension, and restore range of motion.

Q: How does Myofascial Release benefit me?

A: Myofascial Release can help reduce chronic pain, improve alignment and flexibility, and increase range of motion.

Q: What should I expect during a Myofascial Release session?

A: During a Myofascial Release session, the therapist will use their hands to apply gentle but firm pressure to the affected area. The therapist will then use stretching, kneading, and other techniques to release tension and improve movement.

Q: How long does a Myofascial Release session last?

A: Sessions typically last 55 minutes.

Q: What can I do to maximize the benefits of Myofascial Release?

A: To get the most out of your Myofascial Release sessions, it’s important to maintain good posture and practice regular stretching and/or other forms of exercise.